Molecular basis of classification of organisms

Molecular basis of classification of organisms

Carl Woese et al. classified organisms into three domain classification based on sequence of ribosomal RNA genes and formed the molecular basis of dividing all organisms into six kingdoms.

3 Domains and 6 kingdoms classification

I Domain Bacteria

1.    Kingdom Eubacteria: Unicellular and prokaryotic with peptidoglycan

II Domain Archaea

2.    Kingdom Archaea: Unicellular and prokaryotic without peptidoglycan

III Domain Eukarya

3.    kingdom Protista: Unicellular / multicellular and eukaryotic

4.    kingdom Fungi:    Unicellular / multicellular, eukaryotic and decomposers

5.    kingdom Plantae: Multicellular, eukaryotic and autotrophic

6.    kingdom Animalia: Multicellular, eukaryotic and heterotrophic

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