Importance of biology as an integral part of other field of Science like Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
The word science implies the knowledge, understanding and implementation of phenomenon occurring in the universe relevant to human beings. it is learned through experiments and observation in a particular area or branch of scientific study such as biology, physics, chemistry or mathematics or any other branch of the natural or physical science.
Science is broadly studied in four major branches, i,e. Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. These branches are further divided in to various subject of study. Although no perfect definition of these branches can be given but to understand, we can say that biology is the science of living organism, chemistry is the study of matter, physics is the study of force and energy and mathematics is study of derivation and calculation.
All these branches of science of science are not a separate entity in itself; rather they are integrated through various function an phenomenon,For example, in biology the basic unit of life is cell and cell itself contains many type of chemical and enzymes to produce energy and other function and the various function like growth, movement involve mathematical calculations. Now, we understand that there is interlining of various branches of science.
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