Discuss about classification at cellularity – unicellular or multicellular


Discuss about classification at cellularity – unicellular or multicellular

Broad concept of classification

There is a great diversity in structure, cellularity, habitat, mode of  nutrition of different organisms in ecosystem. To understand these differences and similarities between different organisms, we can classify various animals and plants on the basis of the following parameters.

An organism can be unicellular or multicellular. The number of cells decides the structure, metabolic functions and other parameters of organism. The characteristics of unicellular and multicellular are given bellow .

Differences between unicellular  and Multicellular organism.

Characteristics……..Unicellular organism……...Multicellular organism

Cell number                 Single cell                              Large number of cell

Function                       All function are performed   Different cells performed

                                      by single cell                        different specific function

Division of labor         Not performed                       Cells specified to perform

                                                                                   different functions.

Reproduction               Involves the same                 Specialized cells, germ

                                      Single cell                            cell take part in                                                                                                                          reproduction

Life span                       Short                                       Long

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