01Nomenclature: It is the process of giving
scientific names to the organisms02Classification:
It is the process of grouping animals and plants into convenient categories on
the basis of certain obser…
KEY POINTS ØScience is broadly studied in four major branches, i.e. Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. ØBoth birds and planes are capable of flying and the science has shown that a principle behind this ability of flying in both cases is sa…
Continue ReadingExample from Brownian motion and the origin of thermodynamics observation of Robert Brown and Julius Mayor.Brownian motion and the origin of thermodynamicsDuring microscopic research performed in 1827, Brown made his biggest discovery. While observi…
Continue ReadingObservation of 18th CenturyAristotle was one of these first biologists and pursued finding the core of human intelligence, which he concluded to be the heart. Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who should human anatomy and marine science.01The work o…
Continue ReadingNeed to study BiologyBiology is an interesting subject that has been intriguing scientific mind for several centuries. Biology has an endless array of species (at least as of now because there are an estimated 8.7 million species earth out of which …
Continue ReadingBiology as an independent scientific disciplineBiology is one of the interesting subjects of science as it is directly related to our day-to-day our life. The main difference between biology and other subjects of science that biology is not limited …
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